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Laboratory of Evaluation and Improvement of Medical Education

Laboratory of Evaluation and Improvement of Medical Education

About Laboratory

Laboratory of Evaluation and Improvement of Medical Education was established at the Division of Teaching and Outcomes of Education, Faculty of Health Sciences, WMU in May 2014 after the University Exams Office had been set up at Warsaw Medical University in order to manage the administrative activity referring to the management of University test exams previously handled by the Division.

Mariusz Panczyk, PhD in Pharmacy, became Head of the Laboratory.

Tasks of the Laboratory include a detailed analysis of the effectiveness and efficacy of systems of higher medical education: evaluation of the quality of teaching and implementation of new educational methods.  The introduction of requirements of the European and National Qualification Frameworks into the Polish system of higher education as well as the reform of the higher medical education system imply a need for modification of the curricula, content and forms of teaching students. The research will aim to indicate the direction/directions of necessary changes in the Polish system of medical education (curricula, content and forms of teaching students) that are essential to introduce the outcome-based teaching in accordance with the guidelines of the European and National Qualification Frameworks. Additionally, the research undertaken in the Division is supposed to indicate elements contributing to the improvement of effectiveness and efficacy of the systems of ensuring the quality of education being developed, show directions of their modification and improvement. The research will be conducted in co-operation with domestic and foreign research centres, which shall allow for learning both positive and negative experience from other universities concerning the development and improvement of systems ensuring the quality of education.


Publications (IF)

1. Mariusz Panczyk, Joanna Gotlib
Assessment of reliability, sensitivity, objectivity and validity of MCQ Pharmacology Exams as a potential output variable forpredictive analysis.
Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research 2015; 49(1):1-9
Pharmaceutical Education | doi:10.5530/ijper.49.1.1

2. Mariusz Panczyk, Henryk Rebandel, Joanna Gotlib
Assessment of predictive value of admission criteria of candidates for pharmaceutical studies – an empirical investigation.
Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research 2015; (49)2: 117-125
Pharmaceutical Education | doi:10.5530/ijper.49.2.7

Other publications

3.         Mariusz Panczyk, Jarosława Belowska, Joanna Gotlib. Multiple-Choice Question Examinations In Pre-Clinical Courses As Potential Endpoints For Analysis Of Quality Of Medical School Admission Criteria. EDULEARN 2014 International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Barcelona, Spain, 7-9 of July 2014. EDULEARN14 Proceedings. 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies July 7th-9th, 2014-Barcelona, Spain. Edited by L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, I. Candel Torres. IATED Academy. ISBN: 978-84-617-0557-3, ISSN: 2340-1117. Depósito Legal: V-1602-2014, pp. 2181-2190.

4.         Mariusz Panczyk, Jarosława Belowska, Joanna Gotlib. The Role Of Computer-Aided Assessment In Teaching Of Law In Health Protection: A Comparison Of Student Performance In Computer-Based And Paper Multiplechoice Questions Tests. EDULEARN 2014 International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Barcelona, Spain, 7-9 of July 2014. EDULEARN14 Proceedings. 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies July 7th-9th, 2014-Barcelona, Spain. Edited by L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, I. Candel Torres. IATED Academy. ISBN: 978-84-617-0557-3, ISSN: 2340-1117. Depósito Legal: V-1602-2014, pp. 4857- 4865.

5.         Grzegorz Stachacz, Joanna Gotlib. Evolution of Education System of Medical Rescue Workers in Poland on the Example of Warsaw Medical University - Guidelines for Curricula. EDULEARN 2014 International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Barcelona, Spain, 7-9 of July 2014. EDULEARN14 Proceedings. 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies July 7th-9th, 2014-Barcelona, Spain. Edited by L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, I. Candel Torres. IATED Academy. ISBN: 978-84-617-0557-3, ISSN: 2340-1117. Depósito Legal: V-1602-2014, pp. 4890- 4898.

6.         Grzegorz Stachacz, Joanna Gotlib. Outcome-Based Education of Medical Rescue Workers in Poland on the Example of Warsaw Medical University – Recommendations for Improvement of Education Programmes. EDULEARN 2014 International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Barcelona, Spain, 7-9 of July 2014. EDULEARN14 Proceedings. 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies July 7th-9th, 2014-Barcelona, Spain. Edited by L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, I. Candel Torres. IATED Academy. ISBN: 978-84-617-0557-3, ISSN: 2340-1117. Depósito Legal: V-1602-2014, pp. 4965- 4973.

7.         M. Panczyk, H. Rebandel, J. Gotlib.Comparison of four- and five-option multiple-choice questions in nursing entrance tests. ICERI 2014, The 7th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation - 17th-19th November 2014, Seville, Spain. ICERI2014 Proceedings 7th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation November 17th-19th, 2014-Seville, Spain. Edited by L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, I. Candel Torres. IATED Academy ISBN: 978-84-617-2484-0. ISSN: 2340-1095. Depósito Legal: V-2632-2014, pp. 4131-4138.

8.         M. Panczyk, J. Belowska, J. Gotlib. Computer-aided testing: assessment of automatic item generation to create multiple choice test items. ICERI 2014, The 7th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation - 17th-19th November 2014, Seville, Spain. ICERI2014 Proceedings 7th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation November 17th-19th, 2014-Seville, Spain. Edited by L. Gómez Chova, A. López Martínez, I. Candel Torres. IATED Academy ISBN: 978-84-617-2484-0. ISSN: 2340-1095. Depósito Legal: V-2632-2014, pp. 4139- 4147.

9. Mariusz Panczyk
Evidence-based medical education - ewolucja czy rewolucja w jakości kształcenia?

10. Henryk Rebandel, Mariusz Panczyk, Jolanta Czerniak
Ocena wyników egzaminów wstępnych na studia II-go stopnia na kierunkach dietetyka, zdrowie publiczne i fizjoterapia w rekrutacji 2007