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Thesis. Students of Nursing. 11.07.2013

V Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Health Sciences, 7.06.2013







Scientific Conference of Ph.D. Students of Medical Universities, 26.05.2013

Scientific Conference „Good Nursing Practice", 15.11.2013

The Team of the Division of Teaching and Outcomes of Education. Preparing for focus meeting with students of nursing. 19.01.2014 Library and Information Centre WUM.

Debate with pharmaceutical specialists of the labor market

Scientific Conference: Teaching in Medical University. 14.03.2014

III Scientific Conference „Innovations in medicine and health sciences. Research – Education – Cooperation”, Szczecin, 10-12.04.2014


The 25th European Students‘ Conference “Rethinking Medical Research – how do we achieve innovation?” Charité Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany, 17-20.09.2014


II Science Conference: Nursing – science and practice. Nurses and midwies in modern Europe. Olsztyn, 23-24.10.2014

LLP ERASMUS PROGRAMME, Lizbon, Portugal, 15-23.11.2014 r. 

II Scientific Conference: Interdisciplinary Dimension of Health and Disease, Medical University of Warsaw, 27-28.11.2014