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About the Division of Teaching and Outcomes of Education

The Division of Teaching and Outcomes of Education, Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical University of Warsaw was established in May 2001 by the resolution of Warsaw Medical University Senate and placed within the structure of the Faculty of Health Sciences.

Initially, the main office of the Division was located in the Infant Jesus Clinical Hospital (ul. Oczki 4) and four persons were employed at the Division: Elżbieta Drapiewska, Joanna Matlak, MSc, Jakub Sokolnicki, MSc, and Henryk Rebandel, PhD in Biology, who headed the Division until September 2013.

Since the very beginning, academic teachers working in the Division have been running classes in the field of methodology of research and methodology of preparation of a diploma thesis for full-time and part-time students of various majors offered at the first and second cycle programmes of the Faculty of Health Sciences, the 1st and 2nd Faculties of Medicine and the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. Since 2002, the Career Office of WMU has functioned within the structure of the Division. Moreover, the Division has provided other research and teaching units of WMU with service activities with respect to handling final course tests and examinations as well as entrance test exams. Over 250 exams (more than 30,000 exam sheets) are handled in the Division each year.

Joanna Gotlib, MSc, started her work at the Division as assistant on March 1st, 2006.

At the end of 2006, the WMU Senate decided to separate the Career Office out of the Division and establish it as an independent unit within Warsaw Medical University with Jakub Sokolnicki, MSc, as its Head. 

The main office of the Division was moved to the building of ZIAM  (Żwirki i Wigury 81), next to the Rector's Office. 

In July 2007 the Independent Laboratory was re-arranged by the WMU Senate resolution into the Division of Teaching and Outcomes of Education.

Mariusz Panczyk, PhD in Pharmacy, started work at the Division on January 1st, 2008.

Beginning in the academic year 2011/2012, for the first time in the entire history of Warsaw Medical University, distance learning (e-learning, blended-learning) was introduced to teach courses devoted to the methodology of research and preparation of a diploma thesis to full-time and part-time WMU students of various majors offered at the first and second cycle programmes.

On October 29th, 2012 the following teachers of the Division: Joanna Gotlib, Mariusz Panczyk, and Henryk Rebandel received the 2nd Degree Team Award for Teaching of Rector of Warsaw Medical University for development and implementation of using e-learning with respect to a part of curriculum of mandatory courses at the Division of Teaching and Outcomes of Education, Faculty of Health Sciences, WMU, to teach students and count these hours within the teaching load.

Joanna Gotlib, D.H.Sc., Dr Habil, became Head of Division on October 1st, 2013.

Beginning in the academic year 2012/2013, Jarosława Belowska, MSc in Midwifery, commenced a PhD course in the Division and started writing under the supervision of Joanna Gotlib, Dr Habil, her doctoral dissertation entitled: Assessment of possibility of conducting research and implementing its results into practice by nurses and midwives in Poland.

In 2013 the Division of Teaching and Outcomes of Education, Faculty of Health Sciences, WMU, came top of all the 18 research and teaching units of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Warsaw Medical University. 

A study of a broadly defined issue of possibility of conducting research and implementing its results into professional practice by nurses, midwives, and other health protection specialists in Poland was started in 2014. An initial focus study was conducted among several professional groups (nurses, midwives, departmental nurses, head nurses). In February 2014, the Division of Teaching and Outcome of Education together with the Division of Community Nursing signed an agreement with the Centre of Postgraduate Education for Nurses and Midwives (in Polish: CKPPiP) with regard to joint research. The following three research projects were conducted in 2014 within the co-operation with the CKPPiP:

- analysis of knowledge and attitudes of nurses during their specialisation towards everyday clinical practice based on evidence with the use of Evidence-Based Practice Profile Questionnaire obtained from the University of South Australia,

- analysis of opinions and present experience with respect to the available forms and subject area of courses and trainings improving professional qualifications of nurses and midwives during specialisation,

- analysis of the needs of nurses and midwives during specialisation with respect to trainings associated with a broadly defined issue of medical law.

The study enrolled a total of 2730 nurses and midwives taking specialisation examinations in spring and autumn exam sessions in 2014.

Moreover, at the beginning of 2014, the Division of Teaching and Outcomes of Education signed an agreement with the Centre of Medical Examinations (in Polish: CEM) in Łódź on co-operation with respect to the analysis of teaching outcomes of students of medicine and dentistry as well as the efficiency of the Physician Final Exam (in Polish: LEK) and Dentist Final Exam (in Polish: LDEK).

The University Exams Office within the structure of Warsaw Medical University was established in May 2014 and the administrative activity referring to the management of test exams in the University was moved from the Division to the Office. The Laboratory of Evaluation and Improvement of Medical Education has been established in the Division and has been headed by Mariusz Panczyk, PhD in Pharmacy.

Beginning in the academic year 2014/2015, Aleksander Zarzeka, MSc, commenced a PhD course in the Division and started writing under the supervision of Joanna Gotlib, Dr Habil, his doctoral dissertation entitled: Legal and professional liability of nurses – development of a comprehensive postgraduate training curriculum and introduction of a professional development course.

For the first time in the history of the University, an original, multimedia form of an innovative test assessment for the "Law in Medicine" course for students of the Faculty of Health Sciences with the use of the ASK Systems, an e-exam platform, was developed in December 2014 in the Division of Teaching and Outcomes of Education, Faculty of Health Sciences, WMU.