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Publications: 2015

Publications (IF)

1. Mariusz Panczyk, Joanna Gotlib
Assessment of reliability, sensitivity, objectivity and validity of MCQ Pharmacology Exams as a potential output variable forpredictive analysis.
Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research 2015; 49(1):1-9
Pharmaceutical Education | doi:10.5530/ijper.49.1.1

2. Mariusz Panczyk, Henryk Rebandel, Joanna Gotlib
Assessment of predictive value of admission criteria of candidates for pharmaceutical studies – an empirical investigation.
Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research 2015; (49)2: 117-125
Pharmaceutical Education | doi:10.5530/ijper.49.2.7

Other publications

1. Jarosława Belowska, Mariusz Panczyk, Joanna Gotlib
Wiedza i postawy położnych wobec wykorzystywania wyników badań naukowych w codziennej praktyce klinicznej: badanie focusowe
[Knowledge and attitudes of midwives towards using study results in everyday clinical practice – focus group]
Polish Journal of Public Health Nursing & Medical Rescue 2015; 1: in print.

2. Jarosława Belowska, Mariusz Panczyk, Zofia Sienkiewicz, Anna Kaczyńska, Joanna Gotlib
Analiza opinii i postaw studentów Pielęgniarstwa wobec przestrzegania praw pacjenta w Polsce
[The analysis of opinions and attitudes of students of nursing  with respect to the observance of the patient’s rights in Poland]
Polish Journal of Public Health 2015; 1: in print.

3. Joanna Gotlib, Jarosława Belowska, Aleksander Zarzeka, Teresa Kanabrodzka-Osiecka
Ocena wiedzy pielęgniarek Międzyleskiego Szpitala Specjalistycznego na temat zasad ponoszenia odpowiedzialności zawodowej
[Assessment of knowledge of principles of professional responsibility among nurses of Specialist Hospital in Międzylesie]
Pielęgniarstwo XXI wieku 2015 [Nursing of the XII Ceuntry] 2015; 1: in print.

4. Marzena Wójcik, Jarosława Belowska, Aleksander Zarzeka, Grzegorz Stachacz, Mariusz Panczyk, Joanna Gotlib
Ocena wiedzy pielęgniarek na temat Ustawy o ochronie zdrowia psychicznego
[Assessment of knowledge of Mental Health Act among nurses]
Pielęgniarstwo XXI wieku [Nursing of the XII Ceuntry] 2015; 1: in print.

5. Magdalena Gocel Anna Kaczyńska, Jarosława Belowska, Aleksander Zarzeka, Grzegorz Stachacz, Joanna Gotlib
Ocena wiedzy członków rodzin na temat praw pacjenta w stanie nagłego zagrożenia życia leczonego w oddziale intensywnej terapii
[Assessment of Knowledge of Family Members about Rights of Patients in Medical Emergency Situations in the Intensive Care Unit]
Pielęgniarstwo XXI wieku [Nursing of the XII Ceuntry] 2015; 1: in print.

6. Elżbieta J. Różalska, Anna Kaczyńska, Jarosława Belowska, Mariusz Panczyk, Aleksander Zarzeka, Grażyna Dykowska, Zofia Sienkiewicz, Joanna Gotlib
Ocena wiedzy pielęgniarek na temat szczepień ochronnych
[Assessment of nurses knowledge on immunization]
Pielęgniarstwo XXI wieku [Nursing of the XII Ceuntry] 2015; 2: in print.

7. Joanna Gotlib, Jarosława Belowska, Aleksander Zarzeka, Renata Krupińska-Gawot
Ocena poziomu wiedzy pielęgniarek na temat zasad ponoszenia odpowiedzialności cywilnej i karnej
[Assessment of knowledge of nurses about principles of civil and criminal liability]
Pielęgniarstwo XXI wieku [Nursing of the XII Ceuntry] 2015; 2: in print.

International Scientific Conferences

1.  Mariusz Panczyk, Aleksander Zarzeka, Jarosława Belowska, Łuksz Samoliński, Joanna Gotlib
Analysis of assessment of students in subjects that are completed with an exam in Master of Public Health program.
INTED2015. the 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Madrid, Spain. 2nd-4th of March 2015.

2.  Mariusz Panczyk, Magdalena Woynarowska-Sołdan, Jarosłwa Belowska, Aleksander Zarzeka, Joanna Gotlib
Bibliometric evaluation of scientific literature in the area of research in education using Incites™  Database of Thomson Reuters
INTED2015. the 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Madrid, Spain. 2nd-4th of March 2015.

3. Aleksander Zarzeka, Marta Stacharska, Jarosława Belowska, Joanna Gotlib
Assessment of knowledge of legal acts regulating nursing profession among final year Master's degree students
INTED2015. the 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Madrid, Spain. 2nd-4th of March 2015.

4. Aleksander Zarzeka, Marta Stacharska, Jarosława Belowska, Joanna Gotlib
Assessment of knowledge of legal acts regulating nursing profession among final year Bachelor's degree students
INTED2015. the 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Madrid, Spain. 2nd-4th of March 2015.

5. Jarosława Belowska, Mariusz Panczyk, Aleksander Zarzeka, Joanna Gotlib
The comparison of knowledge and attitudes of students of nursing and midwifery studies with respect to the practice based on scientific facts
INTED2015. the 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Madrid, Spain. 2nd-4th of March 2015.

6. Jarosława Belowska, Mariusz Panczyk, Aleksander Zarzeka, Joanna Gotlib
Evidence – based Medicine and Evidence – based Midwifery Practice - knowledge and attitudes of midwifery students
INTED2015. the 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Madrid, Spain. 2nd-4th of March 2015.

7. Jaroslawa Belowska, Mariusz Panczyk, Aleksander Zarzeka, Joanna Gotlib
Knowledge and attitudes of nursing students towards  Evidence–based Medicine and Evidence–based Nursing Practice
Leiden International Medical Students Conference. LIMSC 2015, Leiden, Holland, 11-15.03.2015

8. Aleksander Zarzeka, Jarosława Belowska, Mariusz Pańczyk, Halina Żmuda-Trzebiatowska, Barbara Kot-Doniec, Aneta Król, Joanna Gotlib
Do nurses really need to know law? Perspectives of nurses on the eve of extending the scope of their competence in Poland.
Leiden International Medical Students Conference. LIMSC 2015, Leiden, Holland, 11-15.03.2015

9.  Mariusz Panczyk, Aleksander Zarzeka, Jarosława Belowska, Łuksz Samoliński, Joanna Gotlib
Analysis of assessment of students in subjects that are completed with an exam in Master of Public Health program.
INTED2015. the 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Madrid, Spain. 2nd-4th of March 2015. Proceedings of INTED2015 Conference 2nd-4th March 2015, Madrid, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-606-5763-7, pp. 0477-0486.

10.  Mariusz Panczyk, Magdalena Woynarowska-Sołdan, Jarosłwa Belowska, Aleksander Zarzeka, Joanna Gotlib
Bibliometric evaluation of scientific literature in the area of research in education using Incites™  Database of Thomson Reuters
INTED2015. the 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Madrid, Spain. 2nd-4th of March 2015. Proceedings of INTED2015 Conference 2nd-4th March 2015, Madrid, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-606-5763-7, pp. 0487-0496.

11. Aleksander Zarzeka, Marta Stacharska, Jarosława Belowska, Joanna Gotlib
Assessment of knowledge of legal acts regulating nursing profession among final year Master's degree students
INTED2015. the 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Madrid, Spain. 2nd-4th of March 2015. Proceedings of INTED2015 Conference 2nd-4th March 2015, Madrid, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-606-5763-7, pp. 6207-6213.

12. Aleksander Zarzeka, Marta Stacharska, Jarosława Belowska, Joanna Gotlib
Assessment of knowledge of legal acts regulating nursing profession among final year Bachelor's degree students
INTED2015. the 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Madrid, Spain. 2nd-4th of March 2015. Proceedings of INTED2015 Conference 2nd-4th March 2015, Madrid, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-606-5763-7, pp. 6198-6206.

13. Jarosława Belowska, Mariusz Panczyk, Aleksander Zarzeka, Joanna Gotlib
The comparison of knowledge and attitudes of students of nursing and midwifery studies with respect to the practice based on scientific facts
INTED2015. the 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Madrid, Spain. 2nd-4th of March 2015. Proceedings of INTED2015 Conference 2nd-4th March 2015, Madrid, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-606-5763-7, pp. 6521-6531.

14. Jarosława Belowska, Mariusz Panczyk, Aleksander Zarzeka, Joanna Gotlib
Evidence – based Medicine and Evidence – based Midwifery Practice - knowledge and attitudes of midwifery students
INTED2015. the 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Madrid, Spain. 2nd-4th of March 2015. Proceedings of INTED2015 Conference 2nd-4th March 2015, Madrid, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-606-5763-7, pp. 5255-5264.